Invitation to muAccra global engagement 2024

Invitation to muAccra global engagement 2024

The Industrial Liaison Department wishes to inform all GCTU Students about the 2024.
muAccra global engagement
muAccra is a 2-week developer gathering in Accra, Ghana !
We are welcoming 100+ people who share common values (majority tech background) from around Africa coming together to co-live, learn, work, and build collectively for 2 weeks.

The focus is on providing a space to:

  • Freely exchange knowledge about technologies;
  • Plan together the development of African block chain developer ecosystem;
  • Finally share ideas and build practical solutions for real-world problems using block chain and cryptography (or other new tech).

And we will be announcing our long-term program during the event, the MUACCRA GRANT POOL

Dates: June 9th – June 22nd
🌎 Location: Accra, Ghana
🦁 Residents: 100+ muvers (developer-focused)
💸 Price to Attend: Free for All

Issued by University Relations Directorate
Thursday June 6, 2024